- #Sd card formatter linux install#
- #Sd card formatter linux update#
- #Sd card formatter linux software#
└─sdb1 8:17 1 1.9G 0 part /run/media/tutsįrom the example above, the SD card is labeled/dev/sdb. Lsblk sdb NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT
#Sd card formatter linux install#
You can also download GParted from the official GParted website and install it graphically.ģ: Select the SD card from the drop-down menu. $ sudo apt install parted Fedora and CentOS operating systems $ sudo dnf install parted
#Sd card formatter linux update#
$sudo apt-get install gparted Debian and Ubuntu operating systems $ sudo apt update
#Sd card formatter linux software#
Note that different Linux distributions use other software package managers. You can install GParted through the following terminal command. Gparted is the graphical version of the parted utility, which is a command-line tool. Linux provides both graphical and command-line tools to format SD cards.įollow the following steps to format your SD card using GParted. To manually format an SD card from Linux based or Raspian operating system in Raspberry Pi, you will need to boot your Raspberry Pi from a separate SD card.
When the process completes successfully, you can use the SD card on your Raspberry Pi. You can also download Raspberry Pi Imager from the official website’s installation files, move them to the SD card, and install them.Ģ: Once installed, run the Raspberry Pi Image application. You can install Raspberry Pi Imager from the terminal using the following command. You can use the Raspberry PI Imager to format the SD card by following these steps. Using Raspberry Pi Imager to format the SD card
The other format is exFAT and is found in SD Extended Capacity (SDXC) cards. The FAT32 format is found in SD High Capacity (SDHC) cards and has capacities ranging from 4Gb to 32Gb. FAT16 SD cards have capacities ranging from 128Mb to 2Gb. The three major formats of SD cards currently available are FAT16, FAT32, and exFAT.